I find it odd that someone who describes himself as a 16 year old "boy", says he's looking for a "woman" instead of a girl as most boys his age would be attracted to. I know there is a pedophile problem in the organization so who know's what's going on with this kid.
One of my wife's relatives used to do odd jobs for a married sister who attended his congregation when he was about 14. After babysitting for her one evening, she told him to come into the bedroom where her purse was so that she could pay him but instead proceeded to teach him the facts of life.
This messed the poor kid up and he blamed himself as molested kids often seem to do. Instead of being every boys fantasy as is stereotypically believed, he was riddled with embarrassment guilt every time he saw her sitting with her family at the meetings. He hated her for being able to answer at the meetings as if nothing happened while he carried around this enormous burden and fear for what would happen to him at armageddon.
Eventually at 17 he ran away from home and quit going to school. He got odd jobs, lived in his car until he was accepted into the army. He was treated as the black sheep of his JW family but he would never tell them what happened to him and he didn't fully realize until he had kids of his own, what was bothering him. He eventually became quite successful, married and had a family and eventually was able to tell his wife what about why he ran away and joined the army when he was a kid. She absolutely loathed the JWs for what happened to her husband. Years later they told us about it once we left the organization.
Hopefully this post is a scam... who knows, but something doesn't seem to add up.